1·Of course, you can change the styles whenever necessary to modify design without re-coding individual paragraphs.
2·Property rights, including copyright, right to use and the right to publish, and have the right to modify design works.
3·That would warn electrical technicians to pay enough attention for this problem, sum up their experience, modify design theory and raise reliability of control system and work efficiency and qulity.
4·We had to slightly modify the original design.
5·You modify the design, then implement the modifications.
6·In addition, this approach allows you to prototype areas you deem risky or difficult and to use feedback from each stage to modify your design.
7·This article describes the design work needed to modify the mail template to include this solution.
8·Expect to modify a lot on your first robot, so design your robot to be easily modified.
9·Now that the view is done, you can add an icon so users can access the RSS feed, and you can modify a few other design elements, so your links in the feed work correctly.
10·Open source hardware similarly promises that when you buy a device [the "executed" version of the design], you also receive all the source material for that device so you can modify it.